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26 Apr 2011

The Vikings

The Vikings (1958) is a movie set in middle ages England and Norway based around the story of two half brothers, Einar and Eric. Kirk Douglas stars in this movie as the only Viking (Einar) not to have a beard, but this is quickly fixed with a line of dialog. Einar's half brother Eric is played by Tony Curtis who wore his beard so strongly that it limited the number of words he would speak in the movie.

                                  (Kirk Douglas in Scene from Movie)

This movie subtextually refers to the issues that two boys can have sharing a parent and personifies the struggle of growing into maturity and wanting to be the better person by fighting over Morganna (Janet Leigh). It also tells us being a Viking is cool, you get to rape the lands and pillage the women.

The special effects are not great but they don't detract from the movie experience. There are unrealistic deaths, sword fights between disabled foes, and of course long tables with feasts and your flagon. You will be riding to Valhalla  after this movie has delivered its final strike.

The Vikings is a must see for everyone, if not made to be a compulsory viewing every week.